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CBCI'S Political Development Leadership Alumni Association 

Since 2003, the Congressional Black Caucus Institute (CBCI) has been training tomorrow's political leaders. We've empowered them with the expertise to succeed and make a profound impact in all areas of civic engagement, from knocking on doors to running for office.

We've expanded opportunities for HBCU and MSI law and graduate-level public policy students by bringing together emerging change-makers and equipping them with the tools to advance public policy and government relations at every level.

Join our 1,000+ alumni by enrolling in one of our esteemed programs to gain the skills, connections, and opportunities to drive meaningful change in your community and beyond.

Current alumni: stay connected by updating your contact information with us today!

Alumni Association

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413 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20003


Phone: 202-785-3634

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